2001 ABLOS Conference

"Accuracies and Uncertainties in Maritime Boundaries and Outer Limits", Monaco, at the International Hydrographic Bureau, Principality of Monaco, 18-19 October 2001.

Specialists in international maritime law, geodesy, hydrography, and geoscience addressed the legal problems, the technical issues, and the difficulties that affect the determination of Maritime Boundaries, including the outer limit of the Juridical Continental Shelf.

Conference Photograph

Session 1: Legal Aspects

 David Anderson

 "Maritime Boundaries and Limits: Some Basic Legal Principles"

 Robert Volterra

 "The Impact and Some Observations on the Two Court Delimitation Cases since UNCLOS Came into Force"

 George Taft

 "Solving the Ridges Enigma of Article 76 of UNCLOS"

 Tim Daniel

 "Maritime Boundaries in the Gulf of Guinea"

 Martin Pratt

 "The Maritime Boundary Dispute Between Honduras and Nicaragua in the Caribbean Sea"

 Sara Cockburn, Sue Nichols, David Monahan, & Ted McDorman

 "Intertwined Uncertainties: Policy and Technology on the Juridical Continental Shelf"

Session 2: Geodetic Aspects

 Erwin Groten

 "New Results of Vertical Datum Evaluation within SC-3 of IAG"

David Monahan & David Wells

 "The Suitability of the IHO's 'Standards for Hydrographic Surveys, Version 4' for Determining Depth Accuracy in the Scientific & Technical Guidelines of the United Nations CLCS" -- MANUSCRIPT NOT AVAILABLE

 Lars Sjoberg

 "The Three-Point Problem of the Median Line Turning Point: Solutions for the Sphere and Ellipsoid"

 Çigdem Goksel, C. Ipbuker, I.O. Bildirici & N. Ulugtekin

 "Technical Suggestion to Juridical Discussion: A Case Study for Aegean Sea"

 David Monahan, Sue Nichols, Sam Ng'ang'a & Robert van der Poll

  "Assessing the Impact of Uncertainties in the Locations of 'baselines from which the breadth of the Territorial Sea is measured' on the Outer Limit of the Juridical Continental Shelf"

 Frank Leahy, Brian Murphy, Phil Collier & David Mitchell

 "Uncertainty Issues in the Geodetic Delimitation of Maritime Boundaries"

Session 3: Marine Geo-science Aspects

 Ray Wood

 "Integration of Geophysical & Geological Data in Determining the Extent of the Continental New Zealand"

 Manuel Burgos

 "Numerical methods for Determining the Outer Limit of the Juridical Continental Shelf of a Coastal State"

 L.M. Parson, B.J. Murton, P.R. Miles & P.J. Hunter

 "Non-living Marine Resources within Coastal States' Maritime Jurisdiction - A Practical Analysis of Their Potential in the Extended Continental Shelf Area" -- MANUSCRIPT NOT AVAILABLE

 Phil Symonds, Mark Alcock & Howard Stagg

 "Uncertainties Associated with the 'in absence of evidence to the contrary' Provision for Foot of Slope Determination to Define the Outer Limit of the Continental Shelf" -- MANUSCRIPT NOT AVAILABLE

 R. Greku & D. Greku

"Determination of the Continental Margin Outer Edge by the Satellite Altimeter Data and the Geoid Gravity Model"

Session 4: Hydrographic Aspects

Peter Vogt & Ron Macnab

"The Global Ocean Mapping Project (GOMAP) and UNCLOS: Optimizing Article 76 Surveys for Re-use as Components in the Construction of a Global Bathymetric Model"

Michael Carron and members of the GEBCO Gridders' Group

 "Building the New GEBCO Grid of Global Bathymetry: A Potential Information Resource for Determining the Outer Limit of the Juridical Continental Shelf" -- MANUSCRIPT NOT AVAILABLE

 Martin Jakobsson, Brian Calder, Larry Mayer & Andy Armstrong

 "The Uncertainty of a Bathymetric Contour: Implications for the Cut-off Line"

 Richard Gent

 "The Use of GIS in the Law of the Sea"

 John Bennett

 "Examples of Mapping the Foot of the Slope with the Surface Directed Gradient Algorithm using NOAA's ETOPO5 Data Base"

 Richard Wonnacott

 "The Photogrammetric, Survey and Cartographic Defined Maritime Boundaries of South Africa"